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Skills and Experiences

Work Experience
Xero (November 2018 - Current)
Interned as a Full Stack Developer.

Rush Digital (January 2018 - February 2018)
Interned as a DevOps Engineer.

Ventworks (July 2017 - November 2017)
Contracted as a Full stack web developer.

Auckland Mini-Makers (September 2015 - Februrary 2016)
Volunteered as a Teachers Assistant.
University of Auckland (March 2016 - March 2020)
Studying towards Bachelors(Honours) of Software Engineering.
Technical Skills
● Full Stack Development with NodeJS
● Creating a serverless architechture with AWS Lambda, and Serverless
● Object Oriented Design with Java
● Front-End Development with ReactJS and Redux
● DevOps Engineering with Chef, Vagrant, Terraform, Azure and Powershell
● Unit testing in Java with JUnit and EMMA
● Unit testing and integration testing nodeJS apps
● NoSQL Database Schema Design on Google Firebase
● University experience using SQL, Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus to make complex database queries
● UoA Software Engineering Student Association's General Executive (2018)
● University of Auckland Magic Society's Outreach Officer (2017 and 2018)
● ENGGEN 303 15 member Systems Group Team Leader (2018)
● Mount Albert Grammar School Premier Canoe Polo Captain (2015)